The cattery (here).
Why the name "De Zabarah" ?
When we fell in love with the british silver shaded and chinchilla, we first fell in love with the green or theire eyes and the black make-up.
This colour is esmerald colour, one of the 4 gem (with diamond, sapphire and ruby). My boyfriend is a geologist, so we thought that it was a meaning image. Next, we thought about esmeralds' mines in the world, because little kitten with esmerald eyes will come from our cattery ! We decide to learn the story of this gem, and we found that in Antic Egypt, next to the Red Sea, were esmeralds' mines, where was done the jewels for rich people of the Empire. These mines are named "Djebel Zabarah 's mines", or Mines or Zabarah's mounts. They were used between -1800 and -1900.
It is a reference to beautiful esmeralds eyes of the silver shaded british, and to history of cat, with Egypt, the first country to domesticate and venerate cats, the III millenium before JC.
Our philosophy
We think we are at the limit between the private and the breeder. Private because we have cats who are mainly life companions. Breeders because we wish to have kittens as best as we can, with all the exigences witch are require for a serious breeding.
We don't think first about reproduction, but it is simply the passion of cat, then of British, which give us the desire to have kittens.
We will try to make the best mating we can, with tested cats (Fiv/FelV, PKD), in order to have beautiful and healthy kittens. They will have a pedigree LOOF. Last but not least, they will growth in family and will be very used to living with humans and other cats and will be lovely kittens !
We try to do some Cat shows, in order to have the opinion of professionals, to have the better idea of qualities and defaults of our cats to choose the best matings.
Our cats eat the better food we can provide them, so they have quality dry food : Almo Nature, Eagle Pack and Hills, and quality canned food ; Almo Nature mainly, and Applaws and Schesir.