Current liter

Kitten of Darling and Valentijn were born on 14th, May 2009. We choose name of french famous poem. Extase is a poem of Théodore Agrippa d'Aubigné (in Hiver ), Elegie is from Alfonse de Lamartine (in Nouvelles méditations poétiques ), Enigme from Louis Aragon (in Le fou d'Elsa ), et El Desdichado from Gérard de Nerval (in Les Chimères ).

Click on the name of the kitten to see his photo album.

Click here to see the album of the kittens together.

Extase Girl British Shorthair Black Silver Shaded
Elégie Girl British Shorthair Black silver shaded
Enigme Girl British Shorthair Black Silver Shaded
El Desdichado Boy British Shorthair Black Silver Shaded